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It's Tulip Time!

Flowers. Always my go-to when I just want to sit and paint without any expectations. Just painting for 30 minutes or so has always been my favorite therapy to just zone out and let it flow. Watercolors are perfect - easy to just pull out and not too much mess!

I love this time of year when you can find tulips in the grocery stores! Seriously, you can get the best bouquets there. Find the ones that are not open, and you will be guaranteed to have a week or more watching them bloom. I don’t grow tulips in my garden, they always seem so short and hard to cut. So far this month I bought a "peony tulip" bouquet at Trader Joes for $8.99 that were incredible!!! Wozwers. I also bought a regular tulip bouquet at Costco for $9.99 in gorgeous spring colors. Cut ¼” stem every day and change the water (really important) and you will be delighted with these beauties.

I also love having these tulips in the art studio for my inspiration. These past 2 weeks I have been working in watercolor in one of my handmade journals.

First Layer on this one!

Even with watercolors, I will layer! All that yumminess with come once I paint over some of the colors. Paint for 30 minutes or so, let it dry completely, and then come back in with more color for a 2nd layer.

2nd layer!

Painting these tulips has been so good for the soul, especially now when our world seems so upside down. There is a tremendous amount of peace and calm when I am painting this way.

There is no pressure, it’s just a journal and anything goes. I mostly love watching the paint and water flow together and seeing what the outcome will be!

I hope you can find a few minutes today to create a little beauty - it will make our world a better place.



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