I am continuing to stay loose, have fun and not think too hard! Some mornings I'm super happy with the results, some not so much, and that's ok as I know these paintings are all in my sketchbook as just "sketches".
Day 8
A little spring field of wildflowers!
Day 9
I like the simplicity of this page.
Day 10
This would make a cute pattern for a dress or wallpaper!
Day 11
Covering over areas I didn't like with white paint and then drawing with white Neo Color pastels over it. Love the effect of this. So translucent.
Day 12
Adding in bits of collage material to try something new!
Day 13
A sweet bouquet!
Day 14
This one is my favorite of the week!
Loving these Neo Color II color pastels (wax crayons) as another layer of interest on top of the acrylics. You can find them at any art store, and they come in a variety of sizes.