Well I definitely have the mixed media bug and it's all I seem to want to do right now! Not only I am painting these little guys each day, but I have been filming my paint sessions as well which is so much fun to watch. It's takes anywhere from 1-2 hours to create and then I roll the video into 6 minutes. I think in another life I want to make movies!!
I am always adding videos to my YouTube channel - check them out here!

Each paint session I am grabbing a couple colors to start and then layering in some more.

Some of my favorite supplies:
Watercolor Paper - Fabriano Hot Press Artistico 140lb. Arches is another good brand.
Acrylic inks – Amsterdam or Daler-Rowney
Acrylic high flow – all colors, but I use a lot of the White Titanium
Oil Pastels – Sennelier
Soft Pastels - Rembrant
Neo Color 11 water soluble crayons
Stablio Woody crayons
Colored pencils – I love the watercolor SuperColor II Soft by Caran D’Ache
Clear Gesso - after painting, before I add the mixed media tools!
Scotch tape – Magic or Expressions (sounds like adding a little heat does a good job of peeling off)
I love your blog posts. I would love to see a post on what filming equipment you use, lights, software and camera for your movies! I am just trying to learn this.